SN Systems Tech Blog


    Supporting A Clang Compiler Optimizer Crash

    ARTICLE BY: Dan Parry
    POSTED: Jul 05, 2019
    TAGS: Clang, Developer Services, Toolchain

    Split between Bristol (UK) and Campbell (USA), the SN Systems Developer Service Team support PlayStation® game developers globally. Due to the variety of tools SN Systems develop and support, the work of a Developer Support Engineer varies day to day. The work ranges from high level investigations into simple cosmetic UI issues, to low level investigations of the instructions generated by the CPU Toolchain and checking it for errors or performance issues.


    Link time performance

    ARTICLE BY: Jamie Redding
    POSTED: Jun 20, 2018
    TAGS: Developer Services, Linker, Toolchain

    When developing console games, linking becomes an inevitable iterative process as changes are made and bugs are fixed. Whilst the C++ file may only be re-compiled once, for example after the file is modified, all of the intermediate files are re-linked, thereby generating the final executable, in every build. Over the course of the development life cycle this can mean having to re-link a game many thousands of times before it finally reaches the consumer. Reducing the overall time each link takes makes a significant impact to the games development process.